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The Law of Focus
Pray in the Spirit always. increase your vocabulary speaking in tongues pastor Chris
PASTOR KUMUYI shares what happened when the power came
Every missed appointed time in your life be restored back by fire, in Jesus name.
Pastor W.F Kumuyi Taught Me - Bishop Oyedepo
Pray and Fast to Reign in Life with Christ - Bishop David Oyedepo
What kind of believer are you?- Bishop David Oyedepo
1983 I saw an Army Rising, the kind the world has never known - Bishop David Oyedepo
Fellowship is Vital to Our Spiritual Upkeep-Bishop David Oyedepo
Watch and be blessed
Watch and be blessed
Watch and be blessed
Watch and be blessed
Evangelical comic series
As it was in the days of Lot, so shall it be!
3 Things You Must Be Careful To Share
3 Plans An Insecure Person Has For You
Run away from people who don't have a record of failure. It's not safe to learn from them. - Apostle Joshua Selman