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He knows your address

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GOSPEL Vawulence
Gospel vawulence ✍️✍️
Write up

Gospel Vawulence ✍️✍️✍️

He knows your address


He visited Lazarus in the grave

He visited Gadite at the tombs

He visited Zacchaeus up a tree!

He knows your address!


He visited Jonah in a belly

He visited Moses at a bush

He visited Hannah at an altar

He know your address!


He visited John in an island

He visited Elijah in a cave

He visited Lot in sin city

He knows your address!


He visited Gideon in a hole

He visited Daniel in a Den

He visited Esther in a Harlem

He knows your address!


He visited Peter at the lake

Visited Nathaniel under tree

He visited Isaiah in a palace

He knows your address!


He visited slaves in Egypt

He visited refugees in Exile

He visited the boys in a furnace

He knows your address!


He visited Solomon in a dream

Visited the centurion with an angel

He visited Mary with a pregnancy!

God knows your adress


Follow upGospel Vawulence ???

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