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The Shape of Things to Come

MountZionFilmProductions avatar   
Rapture is the incidence that will take place before the anti Christ will take over
The Second Coming of Christ will take place after the 7 years reign of the Anti-Christ on earth, when Christ will come from Heaven in the Clouds with millions and millions of His Saints upon the White Horses to take over the reigns on Earth.
The Battle of Armageddon is the final Battle of the Powers of this world waging War against Christ and His Saints at His Second Coming.
And He will wipe them off with the Flaming sword of His mouth.
It shall be a Very short time war.
A very Devastating War against Christ and His Saints.
After He might have cleared them off,
The Anti Christ and the False Prophet controlling the World powers would be arrested and thrown into the Lake of Fire .
Satan himself would be arrested and Chained and cast into the Bottomless Pit to be imprisoned for 1000 years.
Then, Jesus Christ and His Saints would rule on Earth, fully rebuilt and beautified, for a 1000 years in peace and tranquility.
It would be a wonderful moment on Earth.
Jesus Christ would be sitting upon the Throne of David in Jerusalem as the Capital of the Whole World.
His Saints, the Believers of Then and Now would be in various Capacities as Country Presidents, Senators, Mayors, Legislators, Police Officers, Company Executives.
Everyone in positions of Authorities would be Believers and Saints of the Lord.
And some Believers and Saints would still not be in any positions of Authorities because they have bot be faithful in their Earthly assignments and ministries and might have buried their Gifts and Talents that have
Not been useful for their Generations.
They had not prepared themselves for the Kingdom of Christ.
Nations would still exist.
But may be in another geographical locations.
Nations would still be recognized.
I believe Nigeria would be relevant in the Millennium Era of Jesus Christ.
Faithful Men of God who are faithful to their Calling and divine Assignments NOW will still be Relevant THEN.
I am preparing Myself for the Kingdom of Christ on Earth.
Satan would be Released after the Millennial Reign and he would go about deceiving some people again.
The receivable people are the men and women who had crossed over from the Tribulation Era to the Millennial Reign of Christ. They would still be deceivable because they are still in their Unressurected bodies. They are still subjected to tempatations fron the Devil.
The Devil would gather them to fight against Christ again. But fire would descend from Heaven and consume them all and Satan would finally be arrested and Death would be Arrested and all would be cast into the Lake of Fire for ever and ever.
So there would be No Satan and Death anymore in the Future World of God.
That is When we shall be with Christ for Ever and Ever.
Revelation 21:1 NKJV
[1] Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.
Any Platform you are given now to serve the Lord is a preparation for your actual Status in the Kingdom of Christ that is coning ahead of us.
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